Sarmed's Website
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Sarmed AL-Najim
My Website

Thank you for visiting my homepage. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. New added material in the site includes new pages and new pictures, new links to friends pages, and many updates to links on the site. I will try to update the site regularly so do try to come back again soon. Remember to sign my guestbook. Cheers!

You are Visitor Number: 14343

Site was last updated on: February 2005.

Hello, and welcome to my website!
On this site, you will be able to find out information about myself, and see many pictures of myself with family and friends.
Please remember to sign my guestbook to let me know your views.

So what's the latest news I have successfully completed my M.Sc. degree in Multimedia Computing at Brunel University at the School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics. I am currently working at British Airways PLC in London Heathrow Airport.

My uncle's independent film is completed and ready to be screened in cinemas in the United States. Mr. Jay Jonroy has been working very hard on writing, producing and directing "David and Layla", a film about a Kurdish lady and a Jewish American man falling in love and the differences in clutures they go through. The film is based on a true story and the filming as well as the production of the movie have been completed for some time now. The film has visited several film festivals around the world and has won a number of awards. The film will now be screened in cinemas in several states in the United States starting from 20th July 2007. For more information on the film please visit the David & Layla official website or go to the IMDB site of the film. Mr. Jay Jonroy's film page also has more information about the film and Jonroy's other cinema work at Newroz Films
Alternatively, you can google Jay Jonroy.

Latest site updates:
The previous update carried out for my site was on the 16th of February 2005 in which many new pages and links were added as well as other additions. The updated links are: "About Myself", "Arsenal AFC", "My friends pages", "Contacting me" and "Links" to reflect new changes and my latest news.
I have also added many new pictures from 2002, in "My pictures" link.

Updates to be done in the future:
The "Arsenal" pages will be updated further in the near future.

Until then you can now go ahead and browse away through the site, and am sure you will find something of interest to you. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
Due to copyright laws as well as lack of web space, I will not be able to put up songs for downloading on the site, as I had promised at earlier stages!! I do apologise for that.

About myself!   Where I studied
My pictures   The gallery
Arsenal AFC   Picture jokes
My favorite car   Pictures of cars
Pictures of planes   My friends pages
Links   Contacting me

Disclaimer: Many of the pictures that appear on my site are obtained from the Internet and distributed to the Internet through this site. To my full knowledge there are no copy right laws being broken. If however, you see or own a picture that appears on this site which you think or know is protected by copy rights laws, then kindly please let me know about it, and I will remove it immediately.
Many thanks.

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